Your OnGuard software offers a mine of options. A practical training course is essential to ensure you make the best possible use of OnGuard. There are training courses for the functional application administrator of the OnGuard software, the end user and the credit manager. We also offer training courses that deal with the subject of credit management extensively in addition to the OnGuard software.
Credit Controller Course
1 Day
The purpose of this module is to provide the credit manager(s) with all the necessary information for them to independently work with OnGuard ICMS. An OnGuard ICMS user can have more than one role. This module is geared towards the role of credit manager or credit controller, not so much to the role of application manager.
Participants: Credit managers and/or credit controllers
Duration: 1 day
Main elements:
- Short introduction into the working of OnGuard ICMS
- Explanation of the import of data from the financial system
- Performing basic actions in OnGuard ICMS
- Phone actions: determining priorities, obtaining information before making the phone call and registering new information during and after the call
- Letter actions: sending letters via batch printing and individually per debtor
- Internal actions: sending e-mails to an account manager
- Sending to collections agency action: creation of a file that can be sent to a collection agency
- OnGuard ICMS complaints
- Registration of a complaint, appointing an action taker to resolve the complaint, closing the complaint.
- Obtaining and registering the required information from the action taker(s)
- Case studies
- Exercises to practice the entire query process
- Exercises to practice all OnGuard ICMS actions
Credit Manager Course
1 Day
The purpose of this module is to provide the Credit Manager(s) or Credit Controller(s) with all the necessary information for them to work with OnGuard ICMS independently.
Participants: Credit managers and/or credit controllers
Duration: 1 day
Main elements:
- Reporting options of OnGuard ICMS
- List screens
- Advanced selection options
- Creation of submenus in the list screens of OnGuard ICMS
- Modification of created submenus
- All other actions of OnGuard ICMS
- User settings
- Historical information about: Complaints, Payment plans and promised payments
- Case studies
Application Manager Course
1 Day
This training covers all elements that are essential to the Functional Application Management of the OnGuard ICMS database. Initially, the database is set up by the Application Manager(s) of the company together with the consultant from OnGuard. After this initial setup the application manager is responsible for making changes to the setup and maintaining the current setup.
Participants: Application managers
Duration: 1 day
Main elements:
- Functionality of the software
- Directory structure
- Import definitions and setup of the import in the OnGuard ICMS database
- Import of the financial files into the OnGuard ICMS database
- Creation of an OnGuard ICMS administration
- Creation of an OnGuard ICMS import source
- Creation of OnGuard ICMS users / user groups
- Authorisation sets per user group
- Password control
- Creation of OnGuard ICMS RTF and/or HTML letter templates
- Creation of OnGuard ICMS profiles
- Creation of OnGuard ICMS import rules
- Creation of OnGuard ICMS collections interface
- Modifications to terminology
- Creation of OnGuard ICMS query tables
- Creation of OnGuard ICMS export templates
- Case studies
OnGuard Training Videos
These videos are designed to help OnGuard customers improve their collection process by growing their knowledge. The videos are short and sharp, and address specific topics at both an administration and end-user level. If you are not an OnGuard customer and would like to find out more, please email